est tayiar. Na samej górze odnajdujemy fajne itemy, no i upragnioną. est tayiar

 Na samej górze odnajdujemy fajne itemy, no i upragnionąest tayiar  Do this, grabbing the Feline Silver Sword Diagram in the process

Они связаны с каким. 1. It is northeast of Lofoten and northwest of Larvik. Updated: 04 Jun 2015 18:55. It is southwest of Fornhala and south of Arinbjorn. ago. Climb down and use the Ard sign to reveal a chamber. I have almost completed quest. For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition on the PlayStation 5, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "where's the key for the chest northeast of Est Tayiar (Velen - No Man's Land)?". Do i nee an item from a quest later on or am i not understanding something? Mystic23 - 7 years ago - report. Stuck in Est Tayiar. Grad May 25, 2015 @ 7:43pm. Couldn`t give it it Yen either. Updated Jun 4, 2015 8:01 pm. . 170. Then I bough the dlc available and installed it. Updated Jun 4, 2015 8:03 pm. I have almost completed quest. Then I bough the dlc available and installed it. . Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. Woesong Bridge (White Orchard Village) is a Location in The Witcher 3. It impacts the political landscape and ultimately the game ending. A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e. The diagram for this weapon is found within the ruins of Est Tayiar. 75-80 with vsync off but everywhere else in. Updated: 30 May 2016 12:08. Sci-fi. #2. Kaer Almhult is located on a small island west of Eldberg Lighthouse in The Skellige Isles. Or are you at est tayiar where you get the silver sword? Either one after you collect the gear you just go back out the way you came. Rannvaig is located on Ard Skellig in The Skellige Isles. Est Tayiar is a place in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and situated east-northeast of Temerian Partisan Hideout. Tutaj, w mroku podziemi Aen Seidhe, jego. Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. The icon for an ilusion is the little sun. This Quest guide advises as to when Quests should be begun, not to when they should be completed. Long before men first peopled these lands, a beautiful, prospering elven city stood here, centered around the palace of King Maeglor. When I arrived, these were 3 groups of enemies, fallen knights, nekkers, arachnomorph. Neither of which give any loot except that chest near the dead Fiend. Sooooo I ventured to the harpy tower (thx google) NE of Est Tayiar and looted the red corpse. These ruins are located in the eastern Novigrad region, northeast of Oxenfurt. It is given to Geralt by one of the witch hunters outside the ruins during Redania's Most Wanted. Thank You. Randnotiz: hochinteressante Zeichnung einer einhändigen Armbrust, vermutlich für die Jagd auf Draconide oder Ornithosaurier. I have almost completed quest. They believe he will succeed in finding Philippa where they failed and claim the. Sooooo I ventured to the harpy tower (thx google) NE of Est Tayiar and looted the red corpse. Players can also further upgrade the Feline armor by finding enhancements scattered around the world. Bei vielen von ihnen bauten später Menschen ihre eigenen Städte auf diesen Ruinen, sehr zum Verdruss der Elfen. "Until quite recently a great many mages lived near Novigrad's main square. En effet, je suis bloqué à la partie 5/7 où il faut se rendre dans les Ruines d'Est Tayiar. Well, situation is. By Takashi. Est Tayiar Information "Long before men first peopled these lands, a beautiful, prospering elven city stood here, centered around the palace of King Maeglor. The Shani's Clinic is found in Novigrad Locations are frequently risky and rewarding, or they could provide a safe sanctuary for a traveling Witcher. Quest Interconnected: ^Quest is connected to the. Notes and Trivia. How do you explore the ruins of Est Tayiar Witcher 3? Trying to complete cat school armor quest, but I failed at redanias most wanted. L'entrée est encombrée d'une porte violette venue tout droit d'une autre dimension et que je ne. g. The Gauntlet is a symbol for a wall that needs to be fisted open. When you get to the top there is a chest that glows red in Witcher sense but it's locked, needs a key. Kaer Morhen is the home of the Witchers. Journal entry [] Kiyan has enlisted with the Flying Stag as a guard of. Sund is located on Ard Skellig in The Skellige Isles. Either way, Kiyan had nothing better to do. Well, all seven diagrams came from those ruins, actually. Upon climbing to the top of the tower, I came across a couple of large bird-type nests and at the very top. Gregory's Bridge. Updated Jun 4, 2015 7:59 pm. Est Tayiar is the correct answer because it is the location where Phillipa's hideout is found. Updated May 30, 2016 12:53 pm. "Well, situation is. Is the key I SHOULD have obtained from the corpse now totally lost?Eine Karte von Est Tayiar und Handwerksschemas elfischer Herkunft. Jul 29, 2016. I have almost completed quest. Use Aard to clear it. I have the crystal, didn`t give it to anyone. 埃泰叶厄(Est Tayiar)是位于奥森弗特附近的一座精灵废墟,第三次北方战争期间,菲丽芭·艾哈特曾躲藏在里面。 简介. Schatzsuche: Katzenschulenausrüstung Ausgrabungen durch Gottfried Oss, Michelle Sabina Ruxer. The Woesong Bridge (White Orchard Village) is found in White Orchard. Find the small castle perched on a hill and look at a. 5 year you solved it! And probably there was a fix, well, maybe, but thank you. I have the crystal, didn`t give it to anyone. Yantra Information "The inhabitants of this village are known for their talkativeness and ''out` World Map tendency to exaggerate, which makes them good companions for a round of drink, but impossible to tolerate for long stretches of time. Er ist jedoch kaputt und enthält eine Nachricht, die nur Yennefer und ggf. A commission he carried out. A small area will unveil a lootable skeleton for the diagram and Professor Sigismund Gloger's notes. I have almost completed quest. Ich finde meine Theorie bestätigt, dass die Hexer der Katzenschule Elfenwaffen einsetzen. Explore the ruins of Drahim Castle. I have the crystal, didn`t give it to anyone. . It can't be that hard if Geralt can do it without anyone's help. Had just completed the Royal Air Force mission and went back to the cave at Est Tayiar. Fyresdal is located on Ard Skellig in The Skellige Isles. Is the key I SHOULD have obtained from the corpse now totally lost?The Feline Silver Sword can be found in the ruins of Est Tayiar Enter the crack in the ground and drop into the main chamber of the ruins. It is an idyllic landscape which draws heavy influence from Europe's famed wined countries. Continue on and enter the portal to the left. Examine the highlighted spot and you will be rewarded with 50 XP. Dropping down and blasting a weak wall with Aard will reveal an alcove containing the skeleton of one Professor Sigismund Gloger. Tourney Grounds is a Blood and Wine Location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. You only find them by exploring that far. Couldn`t give it it Yen either. . Feline Steel Sword. 6. There, you’ll find the Cat School notes hidden in the ruins. #1. ) The console codes must be input before the start of The Isle of Mists, and the quest line must be completed before A Deadly Plot. Il rencontra le professeur Sigismund Gloger à castel Drahim et rejoignit la compagnie menées par Gottfried Oss, Michelle Sabina Ruxer et. Epée en Argent : ce schéma se trouve à Est Tayiar, loin à l'est de la province de Novigrad, au sud-est de la Résidence Vegelbud. Once there, players will find a few witch hunters, and two dead bodies, one of them burnt to a crisp. 300 ; x6 Diagrams; Diagrams: Diagram Feline armor; Diagram Feline boots; Diagram Feline gauntlets; Diagram Feline trousers; Diagram. Tayiar & complete the mission all the way into Phillipa's hideout & obtain the megascope crystal. I needed redanias most wanted apparently in order to get the armor inside Est Tayiar, but that failed because I didnt wanna work for radovid. Feline Sword Diagrams. Sci-fi. Wild Shore is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Na długo przed tym, zanim w tej krainie osiedlili się ludzie, kwitło tu piękne, elfie miasto, skupione wokół pałacu króla Maeglora. There's a ruined building a short ways NE of Est Tayiar that has some ramps that allow you to make it up to the very top of the building. "The ruins of the elven palace Est Tayiar in Redania were mentioned several times in the records of the oldest cat school masters as a potential source of exquisite weapons and diagrams, but the records didn’t specify the exact location of the palace or what it had been, exactly, in its heyday. ). Then I bough the dlc available and installed it. Find the Cat School upgrades. Location: Novigrad: Grassy Knoll: Drahrim Castle – Inside the tower. At the entrance to the building there was a dead body of a guy who was also glowing red but he didn't. Well, situation is. Jego Wysokość Maeglor, Król Est Tayiar – władca nieludzi na terenie Delty Pontaru w czasach Pierwszego lądowania. How the hell should I complete it now? Also I have only 1 story task left : find. Fixed cat vision not activating while on horse/in boat; Fixed 8:00 PM not displaying properly in options; Version 1. Couldn`t give it it Yen either. The Feline Silver Sword can be found in the ruins of Est Tayiar Enter the crack in the ground and drop into the main chamber of the ruins. . Excavations to be carried out by Gottfried Oss, Michelle Sabina Ruxer and Marco Gedl, under the supervision of Professor. Updated: 30 May 2016 11:53. Est Tayiar ist die Ruine einer einst prächtigen Elfenstadt. Gathering all the diagrams to a full set of Cat School witcher gear - "Bah!" Fantasy. Then I bough the dlc available and installed it. The quests in each region are independent of each other and can be done in any order. Answers. White Orchard is a region in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. At the entrance to the building there was a dead body of a guy who was also glowing red but he didn't. I have almost completed quest. 5. . Southern Gate is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Whatever you do DON'T FAST TRAVEL OUT! Run all the way back through the portals to the beginning & you will get a cutscene with the Witchunters from before at the entrance. Larvik is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Couldn`t give it it Yen either. ★ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Playlist:Story:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt follows directly from the events of The Witcher 2: Assassin of King. Prove it! I just played Gwent and it worked. Among the ruins, there is an entrance leading underground. Once in the ruins, drop down to the bottom floor. Feline Steel Sword Diagram. The Gauntlet is a symbol for a wall that needs to be fisted open. 在人类移居这片土地之前,这里曾经有座美丽又繁华的精灵城市,中心便是马革洛国王的宫殿。Added custom "dark places": Cave under Temple Isle, Est Tayiar (partially) Version 1. Share Sort by: Best. How the hell should I complete it now? Also I have only 1 story task left : find Ciri. Kiyan est un sorceleur de l'École du Chat. Dropping down a hole here will reveal an area with a weakened wall and using Aard will shatter it. Codgers Quarry is located southeast of Hindhold and northeast of Hanged Man's Tree in Velen. Tayiar cave uins - Redania's most wanted - side quest. Once you tossed the bomb you were meant to run out of. 0. Kill a couple of packs of wolves who will attack you and you'll eventually reach a large tree. I'm currently doing the quest "Final Preparations" but I'm still looking for a key to open the chest located on top of the ruin northeast of Est Tayiar. Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. At the entrance to the building there was a dead body of a guy who was also glowing red but he didn't. I have almost completed quest. They say chess is the game of kings, and Radovid proved this point twice over during his meeting with Geralt. Answers. The icon looks like a gauntlet to grab something. Updated: 04 Jun 2015 18:46. 0. Read Prince Adrien's journal. Don't Play With Gods. 0, the item has a new. This journal is found in a chest in Drahim Castle, along with the diagram for a Feline steel sword. Cheers!Sooooo I ventured to the harpy tower (thx google) NE of Est Tayiar and looted the red corpse. The other options, Olena's Grove, Duen Hen, and Lornruk, are not mentioned as the hideout's location. There's a ruined building a short ways NE of Est Tayiar that has some ramps that allow you to make it up to the very top of the building. Maeglor był wielkim władcą, pod którego rządami Est Tayiar stało się przepięknym miastem wybudowanym wokół Jego Królewskiego Pałacu, gdzie mieszkał i urzędował. The icon looks like a gauntlet to grab something. The exact location has a Signpost called Est Tayiar, and when you arrive you’ll want to look inside the tunnel for a brick wall that can be smashed with Aard. where's the key for the chest northeast of Est Tayiar (Velen - No Man's Land)? hi guys! I'm currently doing the quest "Final Preparations" but I'm still looking for a. The player can discover these by getting Notices on the Notice Boards of Novigrad or by approaching the site on the map. The diagram for this weapon is found within the ruins of Est Tayiar. EDIT: Thank you! I was able to find a walkthrough that showed where the crystal goes. Fornhala is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I already completed the Eilhart quest for Radovid, which is why I think all the portals in the elven ruin are now. Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. . 6. Well, situation is. Is the key I SHOULD have obtained from the corpse now totally lost?World Information / Locations Overview. 3: Go to Est. Freya's Garden is located on Hindarsfjall in The Skellige Isles. Sarrasin Grange is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "where's the key for the chest northeast of Est Tayiar (Velen - No Man's Land)?". Trying to complete cat school armor quest, but I failed at redanias most wanted. Diagram: Feline steel sword. 2. ★ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Playlist:Story:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt follows directly from the events of The Witcher 2: Assassin of King. Do i nee an item from a quest later on or am i not understanding something? Mystic23 - 7 years ago - report. Whatever you do DON'T FAST TRAVEL OUT! Run all the way back through the portals to the beginning & you will get a cutscene with the Witchunters from before at the entrance. ruins of est tayiar purple portal cat school quest i'm in the ruins of est tayiar and i need to know when and how you open this purple portal. Yustianna's Grotto is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Est Tayiar; Oxenfurt Academy (The Witcher) Based on Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear quest; game canon mostly; Swordfighting; The Witcher Lore; Developing Relationship; stubborn idiots to lovers; Emotional Slow Burn; assholes in love; The Love Is Requited They're Just Idiots; Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism; Suicidal ThoughtsWell, situation is. Drop into the opening and look opposite the magical gate for a wall you can bust through with Aard. Jump down there and look for a wall you can smash with the Aard sign. Couldn`t give it it Yen either. Tayiar cave uins - Redania's most wanted - side quest. Once there, players will find a few witch hunters, and two dead bodies, one of them burnt to a crisp. The diagram for the Feline silver sword is located in the ruins of Est Tayiar northeast of Oxenfurt and the Herbalist’s Hut. (Warning: you must be on the Velen/Novigrad map and ideally with your destination, Est Tayiar, well out of sight - it's best to start at the Novigrad Gate of Oxenfurt - otherwise the required NPCs will not spawn. An excellent choice when you're just starting out (at the Velen/Novigrad stage) is to go hunting for all the basic Cat School witcher gear. 1. Well, situation is. Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Kiyan performed wonderfully! It's a shame, of course, that Professor Gloger disappeared somewhere in the ruins of Est Tayiar along with the rest of the elven diagrams, but those sketches for a steel. W późniejszym czasie, kiedy jego poddani zaczęli umierać jeden po drugim w wyniku tajemniczej. Is the key I SHOULD have obtained from the corpse now totally lost?There's a ruined building a short ways NE of Est Tayiar that has some ramps that allow you to make it up to the very top of the building. Once the home is yours, a servant will arrive and offer you renovation options. Druids' Camp is located on Ard Skellig in The Skellige Isles. I have almost completed quest. . "The ruins of the elven palace Est Tayiar in Redania were mentioned several times in the records of the oldest cat school masters as a potential source of exquisite weapons and diagrams, but the records didn’t specify the exact location of the palace or what it had been, exactly, in its heyday. MysticalCupcake • 9 yr. Explore the ruins of Drahim Castle. Harviken is located on Faroe in The Skellige Isles. A small area will unveil a lootable skeleton for the diagram and Professor Sigismund Gloger's notes. Sci-fi. Kiyan performed wonderfully! It's a shame, of course, that Professor Gloger disappeared. Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. Blood-smeared notes: South from Fyke Isle, in a smaller island - The Mire. Chasse au trésor : équipement de l'École du Chat Kiyan a fait des merveilles ! Bien entendu, la disparition du professeur Gloger dans les ruines d'Est Tayiar et des autres schémas elfes est déplorable, mais à lui seul, le schéma de cette épée en. Est Tayiar is a location in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and located east-northeast of Temerian Partisan Hideout. 4. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Ich celem jest odnalezienie legendarnych skarbów króla Maeglora z Est Tayiar. How the hell should I complete it now? Also I have only 1 story task left : find Ciri. Answers. The village was founded by the mythical Sove, who killed a terrifying and bloodthirsty Chimera on this spot. - The Mire. Well, situation is. I guess i will go back there. How do I get back down in the ruins without the portals activated or is there a way to activate them again or did I. Your solution has immediately started Redanias Most Wanted even though Ive since finished the entire. transitive verb. Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear, ship wreck, Ruins,Contract: The White LadyPlaylist you go north east of Oxenfurt past Est Tayiar you come across a bunch if hidden treasures and abandoned sites with impossibly hard monsters. Fyresdal Information. The diagram for this weapon is found within the ruins of Est Tayiar. Whoops. Well, situation is. It is a wall tile which, when inserted into the correct wall slot, removes the protective magical barrier blocking the way into the ruins of Est Tayiar. How the hell should I complete it now? Also I have only 1 story task left : find Ciri. Druids' Camp is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. Reading the journal will direct you to Est Tayiar and also to the location of the Flying Stag, a shipwreck located near a small island to the southwest of Novigrad. Est Tayiar [] Kolejny schemat rynsztunku szkoły kota znajduje się w Est Tayiar, za ścianą leżącą naprzeciwko wejścia prowadzącego do wnętrza budowli (patrz galeria; w tych samych ruinach będzie się rozgrywało zadanie poboczne Wróg publiczny). Stuck in Est Tayiar. Climb down and use the Ard sign to reveal a chamber. They will give you Key to Philippa Eilhart's hideout. Glad its still allowing you to enjoy it Yea, i collected that URSINE SWORD as well, Its very doable without it so I will just leave that to the Player. Now I'm stuck at the point where you have to talk to the witch hunters at Est Tayiar (no witch hunters spawn. The Feline silver sword diagram is located at Est Tayiar, west of Heddel. Next, head to Est Tayiar, northeast of the Temerian Partisan Hideout. Sooooo I ventured to the harpy tower (thx google) NE of Est Tayiar and looted the red corpse. Tayiar & complete the mission all the way into Phillipa's hideout & obtain the megascope crystal. This is my second play through and first time venturing out here. There is a hole in the ground where you can jump down. Couldn`t give it it Yen either. It. Est Tayiar 10 - Spooked Mare: Just north of Shani's Clinic Southeast of Western Gate 12 - Strangers in the Night Hut north-northwest of Crossroads signpost N/A - The Nithing: Rannvaig 14 - Strumpet in Distress Between Eternal Fire Chapel and Vegelbud Residence N/A - Suspicious Shakedown Redania's Most Wanted is one of the quests available in The Witcher 3. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The Gauntlet is a symbol for a wall that needs to be fisted open. After examining a number of objects, 2 Alghouls will attack. -Est Tayiar-Cave where the Temple of Lilvani and royal wyverns are found-Cave under the well from the Devil by the Well quest . These ruins are located in the eastern Novigrad region, northeast of Oxenfurt. Thanks, i was driving myself nuts trying everything (except bombs) on the bees. Geralt begibt sich auf die Suche nach ihr und muss sich, i. Might have found one: Well under the Abandoned Village (Contract: Devil by the Well) - at least it did not trigger for me. (to gain knowledge of) a. There is a chamber that contains the diagram for the silver sword and some notes, which will point Geralt to Castle Drahim. Kaer Trolde is located on the northwest tip of Ard Skellig. Either way, Kiyan had nothing better to do. Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1. As my personal bodyguard, he would never have wanted for a thing. I have the crystal, didn`t give it to anyone. When you get to the top there is a chest that glows red in Witcher sense but it's locked, needs a key. Examine the stone slab with the markings of what seems to be a cat. Full cave wal. Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. SOTR Playlist - Head to Est Tayiar in northeast Gustfields and search for a loose wall that can be broken with Aard. There's a ruined building a short ways NE of Est Tayiar that has some ramps that allow you to make it up to the very top of the building. Vegelbud Residence. Destroy it with Aard and reveal a skeleton. Mit ihm kann ein Portal zu einer geheimen Höhle. . Far as we know, after Loc Muinne Philippa fled to her hideout near Est Tayiar, east of Novigrad. World Information / Locations Overview. I have almost completed quest. Well, situation is. Couldn`t give it it Yen either. Fire Elemental 女巫猎人 (可选) Rough Neighborhood 有 - 10 Just north of Shani's Clinic Southeast of Western Gate Mercenaries Spooked Mare 有 - 12 Hut north-northwest of Crossroads signpost Scoia'tael (optional) Scoia'tael Commander (optional) Strangers in the Night 无 - - Between Eternal Fire Chapel and Vegelbud. . This Crossroads is located northeast of Destroyed Bastion in Velen. Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear, ship wreck, Ruins,Contract: The White LadyPlaylist. At the ruins of Est Tayiar in the eastern part of Velen, descend through the large hole in the ground to the tunnel beneath. Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. The first floor is the clinic itself, which includes a section for herbal supplements, while second floor contains a library, small lab, and bed. Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. Updated Jun 4, 2015 7:55 pm. Sci-fi. Kaer Morhen is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Therefore, Est Tayiar is the only valid choice. Improve this answer. Related: The Witcher's Bestiary - A Guide to VampiresThis journal is found in a chest in Castel Drahim, along with the diagram for a Épée en acier de l'École du Chat. Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. Climb up the ladder and go upstairs once inside, the diagram is in a. Couldn`t give it it Yen either. The first floor is the clinic itself, which includes a section for herbal supplements, while second floor contains a library, small lab, and bed. Mamy tam też nowy quest z dodatku zatytułowany "Królewskie Siły Powietrzne". Kaer Almhult is a location in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. Well, situation is. Enter. . Elfenruinen. . The Crafting Diagram for Legendary Feline Silver Sword can be found behind a weakened wall in Est Tayiar as part of the Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear quest. . Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. #witcher #EstTayiarcave #witcher3 #lowspec Witcher 3 - what's behind that door? - Est. ws is no longer necessary for the hotkey-Toggling on/off shows notification now-Added custom "dark places": Cave under Temple Isle Est Tayiar (partially)There's a ruined building a short ways NE of Est Tayiar that has some ramps that allow you to make it up to the very top of the building. Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. Jump down from here, then climb on a rock to reach the level 2 portal the statue is facing. Tayiar & complete the mission all the way into Phillipa's hideout & obtain the megascope crystal. Est Tayiar 孽鬼. How the hell should I complete it now? Also I have only 1 story task left : find Ciri. The order listed down below is the optimal way to experience the story. Completed Triss`s quest a long time ago, so i can`t give her crystal. How the hell should I complete it now? Also I have only 1 story task left : find Ciri. Also I can`t enter Radovid`s ship as well, cuz there`s no order to let me in. The gauntlets diagram is. Sooooo I ventured to the harpy tower (thx google) NE of Est Tayiar and looted the red corpse. Do i nee an item from a quest later on or am i not understanding something? Mystic23 - 7 years ago - report. If you still are stuck, and are playing on PC you can press either your ` (tilde key) or F2 to open the console commands menu.